High School Office Staff
Dustin Matlock - Principal
Tina Fortner - Counselor
Shelby Smith - Secretary
Christie Chastain - Nurse
Contact us at 573-765-3716 ext. 300
Principal's Welcome
It is my honor and pleasure to welcome you to the 2024 – 2025 school year! I am extremely proud to serve as the Principal of this amazing learning community for the 3rd year and to continue to support the students of Laquey High School! It is with great enthusiasm that I extend our warmest greetings to both returning and new members of our school community. I am thrilled to embark on this year’s journey of learning, growth, and collaboration alongside each and every one of you. As we embark on this new academic year, I invite you to join us in embracing our new Laquey L.E.A.D.S Mission and Vision, creating an environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Together, we can make this school year a memorable and transformative experience for all.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in creating a thriving learning environment for our students. Here’s to an exciting and fulfilling year ahead!
Dustin Matlock
Principal, Laquey High School

Dustin Matlock
High School Principal/Athletic Director

Tina Fortner
HS Counselor

Shelby Smith
Administrative Assistant

Lindsay Holt
Athletics Administrative Assistant
Around the School

Laquey High School